Planetary time, originating with the Egyptians, attributes each of the seven planets to each hour of the day. The ruler of the first hour being the ruler of the day. Here's how it works:
Planetary Time has Two sets of hours.
12 hours of the day.
12 hours of the night.
The Hours from sunrise to sunset are "Hours Of The Day"
The Hours from Sunset to Sunrise of the Next Day are "Hours of Night"
Each hour is not a typical 60 minute passing of time.
Typically the hours of the day and night are NOT equal in length(except during Equinoxes or other celestial events where they may be made equal).
We need an example.
Say I am performing a ritual to to enhance my luck( or any ritual aimed towards increase luck of good favors).
I would determine to do my ritual on a Thursday(Jupiter aligned, good luck, fortune, etc) OR I would do my ritual on any other day when the ruler of the Hour is Jupiter. Stay with me... Look at the chart on the right. Jupiter's ruler of the day is Thursday so if I perform my ritual on a Thursday, no matter what, my ritual will be influenced by the energies of the Jupiterian influence. Say Thursdays are inconvenient for you, don't fret. All you have to do now is look at the this chart look for a day when Jupiter is ruling the hour and perform your ritual then. IN FACT, an adept use of this would be utilizing the influence of TWO planets to achieve a double whammy effect combining the beneficial aspects of both!( Care must be taken, as not all planetary frequencies like to play well together).
Let's explain with numbers:
Ritual aligned with VENUS
Today is Thursday.
Sunrise Today is 7:55AM. Sunset at 5:46PM.
Between sunrise and sunset there are 591 minutes.
To find the amount of time between sunset and the next sunrise I subtract 591 minutes from 1440 minutes(24 hours).
I find 849 minutes are left.
This means Today on Thursday there are 591 minutes of the day and 849 minutes of the night.
Each number divided by 12 will give me Today's Hours of the Day and Hours of the Night.
Day Hours: 49.25 minutes/hour
Night Hours: 70.75 minutes/hour
Now back to the chart, I look for a Venus Hour on the day Jupiter.
I choose the fourth hour of the day which is ruled by Venus.
I know the first 12 hours of the day are 49.25 minutes long.
With some short addition I find the following:
Sunrise : 7:55 AM
Hour 2 : 8:44 AM
Hour 3 : 9:33 AM
Hour 4 : 10:22 AM
Hour 5 : 11:11 AM
I must perform my ritual between 10:22AM and 11:11AM to be influenced by Venus, and also Jupiter(Ruler of the Day).
Night Time Hours would be calculated the same way EXCEPT, I would use the sunset as the starting time and the calculated nighttime hour length.(70.75).
So there is definitely Math to be done but with enough practice and using our Planetary Clock, alignment is achievable with desire and persistence.